Professional Defensive Tactics Education
Law Enforcement
Defensive Tactics Education at Shaan Saar is an evidence based, intensive physical and intelligence led learning exclusively for professionals.
Building individual resilience, based of knowledge, physical stamina, window of tolerance, and psychological flexibility carries into the field and helps to manage not only everyday stress and situational exposures but the ability to lead and master every area of your lives. -
Evidence Based Education
With over 70 collective years in the United States Military and the US Threat and Countermeasures National Nuclear Administration, along with multiple combat tours, federal law enforcement service, Israeli Trained Krav Maga CQB, Counter Terror, and criminal justice, we possess an intimate understanding of close quarters threat management, weapon retention, and intelligence led education.
As any seasoned professional knows, our dedication is to what is effective in the field, on patrol, and in real-life scenarios. And we've staked our lives on it. Our evidence-based practice goes even deeper, with education in biomechanics, military science, and biopsychology providing us with advantages that offenders don't utilize. We'll keep you in the loop with regular updates, examine new concepts, identify and eliminate flaws, all so you have access to the most up-to-date education available.
Our multi-faceted, trademarked program includes ground work, close quarters standing, weapons retention, judgment training, and neuropsychological management for improved stress response.
There's what everyone else is doing and then there's the Shaan Saar Group – a professional edge with a legacy of protection.
Private Security
Large corporate firms offering D & G Security licensing often operate with extensive bureaucracy, leading to infrequent updates in field training which make most concepts obsolete. To meet the needs of professionals requiring the most current educational concepts in close quarters threat management, we offer comprehensive private format education models, tailored to your schedule. Take the first step and CALL NOW to discuss your particular learning objectives.