defensive tactics krav maga Orlando Stress inoculation training
Looking for evidence-based self defense training, Krav Maga Orlando with groundwork like no Gi BJJ and JuJitsu? At Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando by the Shaan Saar LLC Security Group, our programs are designed collaboratively with in-house experts from federal law enforcement, combat military professionals, Certified Israeli CQB instructors with hand-to-hand experience, and Israeli trained, master certified Krav Maga educators, and criminal behavior analysis.
With 70+ of experience, education and service, we ensure that our instructors undergo extensive annual training, including hand-to-hand countermeasures education in Israel, Krav Maga Defensive Tactics, and Evidence Based Self Defense® training.
Join our evening, small group classes, available 4 days a week, or opt for learning at our private, indoor / outdoor location in Seminole County FL, which offers anonymity and a multi-sensory training experience for Krav Maga and No Gi JuJitsu.
Plus, Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando offers Florida’s only evidence-based, empirically and clinically backed sensory, stress inoculation and amygdala training methods which are designed to help you effectively manage stress responses in all aspects of your life, ensuring a more productive and balanced lifestyle.
With a variety of membership benefits, including a 24/7 private online server for peer support, your safety and personal growth are our top priorities!
Wondering where to find women’s self defense classes near me? Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando and Shaan Saar LLC We offer a women’s centered program trauma informed self defense™ with oversight from our in-house Criminal Behavior Analyst which is frequently referred to by Clinical Psychologists and law enforcement.
Ready to get started?
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krav maga orlando
If you have ever been in a situation where you have wished your could have the upper hand in confidence or skill then private learning could be for you!
From Krav Maga and JuJitsu to Catch Wrestling and Trauma Informed Self Defense, Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando has your six. Martial arts have gained notoriety as some of the best self defense techniques out there but it's not just about physical strength, it's also about mental preparedness. Shaan Saar’s board certified threat management educators, professional protectors, and black belt level instructors will help you gain the edge you need!
PLUS you’ll learn consequential information about use of force, violence prevention, and offender psychology which will help you react productively both physically and mentally in high-stress situations. And the best part? You can find self defense classes near me, so what are you waiting for?
Sign up for a no-obligation, 2-week trial program with Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando’s gold standard in personal safety and self defense to become a formidable force in any situation.
・Board Certified Threat Management
・Israeli Trained CQB
・Master Certified Krav Maga Instructor
・Licensed, Professional Protectors
・Criminal Behavior Analyst
Smaller classes for individualized instruction so you can master a skillset more quickly, making better use of your time and money! Lower student to instructor ratio means your self defense skills and level of personal safety can improve faster and more efficiently.
Where friends become family. At Shaan Saar the community connection extends beyond classes and is reinforced in our 24/7 private online server. Here you will find opportunities for leadership, growth, and friendship!
More than just a physical activity, understanding the timeline of violence is crucial to both prevention and personal threat management. With professional oversight you’ll learn the psychology behind our evidence based methodology, how-to enhance productivity, mood, and personal performance in every aspect of your life!
Evidence based self defense™ features the best of Krav Maga, groundwork like JuJitsu and Catch Wrestling, as well and concepts from Muay Thai, Judo, and Boxing. A comprehensive scope of physical concepts are blended with understanding legal aspects of use of force and the biopsychology of violence prevention and self defense.
Classes to improve your level of fitness, endurance, mood, and mobility are provided for members only. Fitness with a purpose! Improve your self defense skills and personal safety simultaneously.
We offer group krav maga classes for adults of all skill levels Monday through Thursday. Are you ready to level up?
the gold standard in self defense orlando
Our family business isn’t just a hobby.
With over 70+ years in professional protection and Criminal Behavior Analysis our Board Certified Educators have set the gold standard for Orlando Krav Maga and self defense classes.
Our programs are created, taught and overseen by onsite professional protectors from military, federal law enforcement, Israeli trained Krav Maga & CQB, the US Countermeasures National Nuclear Administration and Criminal Behavioral Analysis.
A legacy of protection…
Private self defense classes
Martial arts, and Krav Maga classes in particular, have gained notoriety as some of the best self defense techniques out there but it's not just about physical strength, it's also about mental preparedness. Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando is the only self defense facility in Florida with board certified threat management educators, professional protectors, and black belt level instructors will help you gain the edge you need!
PLUS you’ll learn consequential information about use of force, violence prevention, and offender psychology which will help you react productively both physically and mentally in high-stress situations.
From Krav Maga and JuJitsu to Catch Wrestling, and functional fitness for stress management, Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando has your six.
Gabriel Mora
Founding PartNer
Chief Instructor &
Board certified threat management
Reneé Rose
FOunding Partner
Criminal behavior analyst
Krav Maga Orlando・Self Defense classes
Option A: Group Classes
This is THE choice if you are looking for a group dynamic and benefit from the dynamic of shared learning, with like-minded peers. Try our 2-Week Trial Now!
OPTION B: Private Learning
Ideal for individuals seeking personalized self defense classes, tailored to meet their schedule & location or have a need for rapid progress. Call Now to schedule!
Need More Info About Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando Self Defense Classes Near You?
Call or Text us at 407.730.1523 or read on…
Flexible learning options at Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando offer a perfect opportunity for people who prefer learning with friends, family or colleagues in familiar surroundings. Krav Maga, JuJitsu, and violence prevention training can be customized to your needs and brought to your location!
After a conversation with one of our professional threat management specialists Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando will arrange for a private training session at our self defense school or your chosen location. Skilled, highest quality instructor can accommodate individuals, small parties or whole families for Krav Maga, No Gi JuJitsu, Evidence Based Self Defense™ and Violence Prevention education.
Our highly qualified instructors are board certified, credentialed, background checked, and experts in their respective fields of military instruction Krav Maga, professional protection, firearms training and safety, defensive tactics, criminal justice and more! Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando and each of our instructor prioritize professional development and education to ensure we can offer your THE BEST and highest quality instruction in Florida!
The bottom lines is that we are protection professionals.
Therefore, we respect the anonymity of our Tribe. Every individual who trains with us deserves privacy while actively working to build a skill set that will help prepare them for emergency scenarios.
So the short answer is no. We do not allow individuals to come in and spectate classes unless they have participated in a Discovery Session and had their identification verified.
We also do not share information with third parties about students or clients, and while we will dutifully comply with a court order, allowing spectators to be present in class and confirming an individual is a student is never disclosed without express consent of that individual. -
We love groundwork! We’ve trained it extensively in fact, including Gracie BJJ (Brazilian Jui Jitsu), Japanese JuJitsu, Hisardut, and Catch Wrestling. However, the reality is the myth of 90% of physical altercations ending up on the ground is not evidence based.
Rather, it was based upon archival research from an anthropological thesis using observation from 100 street fights uploaded to YouTube. There are no verifiable statistics in the Justice Department which indicate this statistic is evidence based.
In fact, being skilled in Brazilian Jui Jitsu or any groundwork does not make you safer on the whole. A multitude of highly skilled BJJ practitioners have been killed during street fights by armed offenders, and most recently a well-known female practitioner was murdered during a domestic violence altercation.
Evidence based violence prevention concepts with an understanding of the timeline of violence, and a solid skill set of both standing and ground defensive training is far more effective than any one competitive sport self defense training. Here in the US we refer to this as defensive tactics, in Israel it is known as Krav Maga or contact combat (English Translation).
In a nutshell, as wonderful as ground training is, it is just not enough. Read more in the blog by Criminal Behavior Analyst, Reneé Rose, a founding partner of the Shaan Saar Group. -
Shaan Saar Krav Maga is located at 11184 S Apopka Vineland Road, Orlando FL 32836.
We are located minutes from Universal Studios conveniently located near a wide variety of hotels and resorts for those visiting us from our of town.
For women’s self defense classes, exclusively for women, in Central Florida with Shaan Saar Krav Maga learn more here.
Not in Orlando or traveling here anytime soon? No problem! We offer HIPPA compliant online learning and group training, violence prevention and trauma informed self defense™ modules all across the globe!
Sure! We are open by appointment and scheduled class time only. Please see above FAQ for “can I drop in to watch a class” and contact us to arrange a time or book an appointment.
100+ 5 Star Reviews

2-Week trial
Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando, Orlando’s Gold Standar for Krav Maga Orlando, No Gi JuJitsu, and Self Defense Classes