defensive tactics krav maga orlando
・No Gi JuJitsu・evidence based self defense ™

Looking for a next level challenge with practical, real life application? Shaan Saar Krav Maga by The Shaan Saar Group is Orlando’s gold standard for personal threat management and security consulting with a family legacy of 70+ years in military (E6 DD-214), federal law enforcement, private protection, Israeli CQB, and criminal behavior analysis.

Our evidence based self defense™ system incorporates Krav Maga taught by Israeli trained Master Certified Krav Maga & CQB instructors, Japanese No Gi JuJitsu, Catch wrestling, Muay Thai, boxing, and defensive tactics; combined with education on use of force, medicolegal aspects of self defense, and stress inoculation training. Programs at Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando integrate sensory and amygdala training and offer a full scope of classes for self defense, functional training, exclusively women’s only self defense classes, and youth social coaching and self defense programs.

Shaan Saar’s Board Certified professional educators are ready to help you take your life to the next level, learn to respond productively in high stress scenarios, and become a formidable force in ANY situation!

Membership Benefits & Features including Highest Quality Instruction, Small Group Classes, Supportive Learning Community, Mindset Training, Multifaceted Defensive Tactics Concepts, and Functional Fitness Classes.

MIND MEETS BODY at Shaan Saar Krav Maga Orlando